Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mini Malachi the Cacti

This week at preschool, LittleMiss learned about some desert plants called "Cactus".   
We went to the nursery this week to see if we could find a cactus all our own.

OH did I get an ear-full!  LittleMiss explained, for what seemed like hours, that you can not touch the catcus, because it has prickly spiky that will give you big owies and make you fall down with eyes closing and make your tongue stick out!  Oh My!  

She would not go near the cart at all once I put the mini cacti in there.
She panicked when the cashier grabbed the tiny little cellophane wrapped pot.
She insisted that we wrap it up in three bags and only Mommy can carry it only by the handles of the fourth bag in which the three bag wrapped cacti rode.

After much discussion at home, she wanted nothing to do with the little thing.
"Too Owie, Mommy!  Bad choice."

Well, being the rebellious Mommy that I am, I secretly replanted the catci, now named Mini Malachi the Cacti - in honor of our previous 7ft catci Malachi.  Rest in Peace.

Mini Malachi, truly multiple cactuses -  cacti.

The red globe on the top is a non-chlorophyll forming petite dessert catcus that is grafted onto a base cactus.  The red globes, Gymnocalycium mihanovichii, were originally discovered by a gentleman in Japan sometime in the 1940s.  Since then, these little globes have become a novelty house plant.   Since the red globes are not ale to produce their own chlorophyll, they depend on the grafted base cactus for food, water, and growth. 

Hopefully LittleMiss' fear of this dangerous beast can be overcome & changed to a lesson in sharing?

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